November 22, 2024Beauty, Campus, Campus Life, College Life, Community, Events, Events, Featured, Food & Wellness, Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Student Lifestyle, Students, Style, Style & Beauty Glammed Up More
November 20, 2024Advice, Campus, Campus Life, Change, College Life, College Living, Featured, Features, Fitness, Food & Wellness, Food & Wellness, Health, Healthy Living, Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Opinion, Opinion, Opinion & Advice, Student Lifestyle, Students, Students, Uncategorized Healthy Lifestyles at CMU
November 15, 2024Art, Arts & Entertainment, Campus Life, Featured, Student Lifestyle, Students, Students, Uncategorized Bringing Materials to Life
November 9, 2024Events, Featured, Seasonal Issues, Student Lifestyle, Students, Uncategorized November Calendar 2024
November 22, 2024Beauty, Campus, Campus Life, College Life, Community, Events, Events, Featured, Food & Wellness, Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Student Lifestyle, Students, Style, Style & Beauty Glammed Up More
March 9, 2024Arts & Entertainment, Style, Style & Beauty, Uncategorized Photo Gallery: OBU 24th Annual Fashion Show
September 19, 2022Campus Fashion, Features, Student Lifestyle, Style Student Lifestyle – Sydney Theiler
November 15, 2024Art, Arts & Entertainment, Campus Life, Featured, Student Lifestyle, Students, Students, Uncategorized Bringing Materials to Life More
October 30, 2024Arts & Entertainment, Arts & Entertainment, Featured, Features, Lifestyle, Opinion, People, People of Central, Student Lifestyle, Students, Uncategorized People of Central: Maddy Welch
October 21, 2024Advice, College Life, Featured, Features, Health, Healthy Living, Lifestyle, Opinion, Opinion, Opinion & Advice, Opinon, People, Student Lifestyle, Students, Students, Uncategorized Advice to Students from CMU Professors
October 3, 2024Arts & Entertainment, Campus, Campus Life, College Life, Events, Featured, Lifestyle, Opinion, Student Lifestyle, Students, Students, Students Uncover CMU’s Most Fascinating and Fun Classes!
October 30, 2024Arts & Entertainment, Arts & Entertainment, Featured, Features, Lifestyle, Opinion, People, People of Central, Student Lifestyle, Students, Uncategorized People of Central: Maddy Welch
November 28, 2024Featured, Features, Food & Wellness, Lifestyle, Opinion, Opinion & Advice, Seasonal Issues Happy Thanksgiving! More
November 9, 2024Events, Featured, Seasonal Issues, Student Lifestyle, Students, Uncategorized November Calendar 2024
October 28, 2024Advice, Change, College Life, College Living, Community, Events, Featured, Features, Features, Food & Wellness, Food & Wellness, Health, Healthy Living, Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Opinion, Opinion & Advice, People, Seasonal Issues, Student Lifestyle, Students, Uncategorized Mental Health Guidance for Midterms
October 3, 2024Events, Featured, Lifestyle, Opinion, Seasonal Issues, Student Lifestyle, Students October Calendar 2024
September 21, 2018 College Living, Student Lifestyle, Student Styles, Style CMU Students Tailgate in Style Story and Photos by Ja-Wan Gardner Tailgating can be one of the most exciting social events of the fall season. To kick off a new football season, Central Michigan University students brought out their best looks to showcase their school spirit. Whether it was from the bookstore, like Michael Schwankee’s CMU hockey jersey, or custom made like the tie-dye “Fire Up” shirt made by Kayla Christensen, students across the campus used their fashion sense to evoke their love for Chippewa football. Fire Up Chips! Tamer Owad Alize Knudsen and Amina Melendez-MayfieldJohn Bevery, Austin Davis and Jason GelseyKayla Christensen and Morgan RiceJordan Barret and Erin Mackley Sydney LibstorffNikole Stanton and Lizzy KummerAbbey Frasher Michael Schwankee Sarah Riegler