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September 7, 2011 Greek Life One-On-One with a Greek Prez: Phi Mu The following Q&A is a part of an ongoing weekly column with Greek Organization Presidents to get to know all Greek Organizations on Central Michigan University’s campus including all social, multicultural, and historically black. Abbie Deback, President of Rho Delta Chapter of Phi Mu Fraternity Q. What is your name? A. Abbie DeBack Q. What fraternity or sorority are you involved in? A. Phi Mu Q. When was your chapter established on campus? A. 1985 Q. How many people are in your chapter? A. Currently 51 Q. What philanthropies do you raise money for? A. Children’s Miracle Network, Phi Mu Foundation, Special Olympics Q. What is the most amount of money you have raised? A. We raised $1,500 from our Soup Salad and Breadstick dinner for Special Olympics last semester. We will be doing it again this semester for Children’s Miracle Network. Q. What does your chapter have planned for this semester? A. We have quite a few sisterhoods planned for this semester. We will be having an overnight sisterhood retreat where we can bond together. We will be having a couple of Philanthropy events for Children’s Miracle Network. We will also be planning a few socials with other groups on campus. Q. What makes your chapter unique? A. All of our sisters are different, so our group is very diverse in its members. Q. What is it like to be President for your chapter? A. Being President is a lot of work, but it is so rewarding seeing the positive changes that your chapter is making under your leadership. Q. What is the hardest and easiest part of being President? A. The hardest part for me was keeping friendship and my job as president separate. Now it is managing my time with classes and sorority. Q. What do you to see your chapter accomplish this year? Four years from now? A. I see us having a very successful recruitment and reaching total this year. Also raising more money for Children’s Miracle Network. In four years I would like to see the chapter with high membership numbers and still having the strong sisterhood we have today. Q. What is the hardest decision you have had to make for your chapter? A. The hardest decision that I had to make was telling the chapter that we had to cancel an event that had been a chapter tradition in the past. I felt like the bad guy, but it was something that had to be done. Q. How do you feel Greek life is perceived? What do you feel Greek life could do to change its image and what specifically could your chapter do? A. I think that Greek Life is sometimes negatively perceived, but is moving towards being more positive.I think that if we were to continue to reach out to the community and on campus those negative thoughts would go away. Q. What is one thing that you would tell someone that is non-Greek, on why being Greek is important? A. Being Greek is important because it gives you a sense of belonging on campus, gives you great leadership roles, and is just fun!