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November 29, 2010 Lifestyle Online dating sweeps campuses One in five relationships now begin online, according to match.com. Online dating has become a prominent way for busy college students to meet interesting new people. At Central Michigan University more and more students are turning to the internet as a way of meeting new people and starting meaningful relationships. Fifth year history secondary education senior Melissa Tucker met her boyfriend online and has been dating him for about four months. “I tried it just to find new and interesting people, and am now in a relationship because of it.” Tucker said. Tucker’s current boyfriend took her to a summer festival for their first date. “I was so nervous.” Tucker said. “It went perfectly and it was better than I could have ever planned. He is amazing and we are great for each other.” Tucker feels that online dating is a great way to meet new people and maybe even someone special. History and anthropology junior Abbie Diaz agrees. “It really helped me come out of my shell and I met one of my great loves online,” Diaz said. “I think everyone needs love, what’s wrong with finding it online?” Diaz met her current boyfriend on okcupid.com. She started online dating as a cure for the college life boredom. “I thought I could get some free meals and meet some cool people. Turns out it was incredibly worthwhile!” Diaz said. “ I met a lot of great guys and I eventually fell in love with one.” Diaz and boyfriend Hasan Cheema have been dating for over a year now and have been living together almost a year. “We’re taking it one day at a time, and fighting to keep our relationship healthy.” Diaz said. “For us it’s easier to just not play games and say what we mean, and remember to always have fun and laugh at the little things.” Along with the benefits of being able to meet new people in a different way, there are several drawbacks to dating over the Internet. Safety is the number one concern. Since the Internet can allow for anonymity, there is a chance the person isn’t telling the whole truth. Diaz feels that dating online can be cause for concern. “Dating itself is nerve-wrecking. You hear all the horror stories about girls being kidnapped on an online date, but as long as you’re safe about it, it can be a great way to meet people.” Diaz said. Another Central student (anonymous), had a difficult experience. She made the mistake of having their first meeting at her apartment. “We were just going to cuddle up and watch a movie,” she said. During the cuddle session, things started going too far. She asked him politely to slow down. “I wasn’t ready for it to go that far,” she said. “He decided I was a tease and left. I was so hurt.” Being smart about online dating is key to your safety. While online dating is a great way to meet knew people it can also be an incentive to get hurt.