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October 16, 2009 Lifestyle, Students Tailgating is Back…Sort of. Tailgate improves to Mediocregate. The alarm went off at 8 a.m. The buzzing was loud and there was a temptation to turn it off and go back to bed, but it was Saturday, the first Saturday in which the tailgating regulations were suppose to be eased up; just in time for Homecoming. Streets were lined with people leaving the parade and making their way through campus from Main to tailgate. Many were talking about the tailgate rules and were curious if they were going to get in because although the rules were suppose to ease, the alcohol regulations were still suppose to be enforced. Much of the people walking were carrying far over the limit, let alone what they had consumed while watching the parade. Once groups arrived at tailgate, they could see that the true Central Michigan University tailgate was re-instating itself. Alcohol did not seem to be an issue at this tailgate; witnessing people walking around with cases of beer, coolers of overflowing alcohol and even myself not being checked as the walking commuters emerged into the tailgating lot. Alumni were parked with food and coolers flooding around their vehicle. RSO’s had their flags flying high to mark were they were established in the lot. Over the loud external sound systems, which were previously allowed back into the tailgate lot, were sounds of people chanting their legendary chants, social cheers, laughing and exciting yelling grew louder in lot 63. Even the officers on duty seemed to be enjoying themselves by laughing and smiling a majority of the time. Once the horns sounded, the tailgating party was not quite ready to leave and go flood Kelly Shorts Stadium in support of the Chippewa football team, but knew what had to be done. The true CMU tailgate may not be totally into full swing, but more covered the parking lot at this tailgate compared to earlier games this year. Still, the ones who enjoyed tailgating in the past, may be disappointed as the parking lot was not quite as full as it use to be; but when students had to take a stand to show they did not want their tradition taken away, only baby steps can be taken to bring it back. GCM photo by Jilliam Pekel