Uncover CMU’s Most Fascinating and Fun Classes!

Story by: Samantha Hall

Central Michigan University is rather prominent in its media-based classes as well as its business classes and teaching classes. We have all different types of educational practices students can participate in. When asked what classes CMU has, our mind goes to math, science, business, journalism, and medicine. Does your mind ever go to bowling classes? Or wine tasting? CMU has some interesting and fun classes you can take as electives or as part of your major. 

One of these classes is FRN 125: France’s Gastronomies. In this class, students learn French Cuisine and the different cultural aspects of food in France. Along with this topic of culture, FMD 250WI: History of Western Dress provides insights into the evolution of dress within Western culture.  

These classes are good for those studying culture, as they provide an insight into the dress and food that different cultures take part in.  

If you would like to study more on the religious aspects of life, REL 334WI: Death and Dying. This class focuses on how different religions and traditions view the afterlife, such as Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and Indigenous and African Traditions. REL 302: Witchcraft, Magic, and Occult Phenomena is an option as well, a course that studies not witchcraft itself, but rather the history and early European views on the idea.

It’s good to realize that these classes focus more on the history and culture of these topics, rather than providing an affirmative answer. That’s what makes them so interesting, as you can gain different perspectives on religious beliefs and practices.  

Within the English department, some courses that you could enroll in are ENG 323WI: Fantasy and Science Fiction. This class is all about identifying major aspects of science fiction and fantasy genres and studying the history of both. You can even take ENG 141WI: Comics and Graphic Novels. This class is also about studying the history of comics and graphic novels and identifying a range of significant works and their artists.  

If you want to study more about creative writing, these classes would be a great starting point to understand the different distinctions between genres and what impacts different creative literature has had on our culture.  

You can participate in PED 146 – Yoga: Beginning. The course is all about understanding the physical and mental exercises of yoga and understanding the importance of exercising proper yoga stances without pain and maintaining focus and breathing. PED 150: Archery. Here, you would understand the rules and scoring of archery and explore techniques and proper safety procedures.  

Along with the topic of health, NDS 291: Introduction to Wine takes place in the College of Health Professions. This class explores the correlation between wine consumption moderation and health. Students also explore grape varieties, growing wine grapes, and winemaking. Within the College of Health Professions, PED 154: Bowling: Beginning. This class is an introduction to the skills, strategies, and terminology of bowling.  

These are good classes for anyone majoring in the field of health as they provide insights on moderate consumption of food and drink, breathing exercises, safety in exercising, and exploring the ways different sports such as yoga and archery can impact the body.  

Of course, there are plenty of other fun and interesting classes that one can take, and you can ask your academic advisor about what kinds of classes they suggest you take part in. It’s good to get a good understanding of all the different classes CMU offers; it’s a good way to expand your horizons.  
