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February 11, 2015 Opinion, Relationships, Relationships & Advice Valentine’s Day For The Hookup Generation Love is in the air; marked by the frigid winds, steamed-up car windows parked in precarious places and that extra stick when you walk across the floor of Wayside. Yes, it’s Valentine’s Day. But what exactly is the big deal, anyway? As I sit in a roomful of people, I glance about and see everyone talking. Smiles dart between their faces like a game of ping pong – each trying to out-do one another. They’re enjoying themselves. It’s the Monday night before Valentine’s Day and I can only imagine, if these people are in fact couples, what their plans for this holiday will be. I think a day specifically set aside to do something with the one(s) you love is great. Hell, it’s beautiful. Unfortunately, on a day that’s supposed to be dedicated to love, I see less and less of the real thing with each year that passes. I don’t want to be that guy that talks about something as being “real,” but to me, Valentine’s Day seems like an excuse for sex and for men to flaunt their self-interpreted playboy status. My point is, the whole zeitgeist is wrong. Forget the corporate aspect of United States holidays – the really scary part about Valentine’s Day is that it’s turning into a strictly carnal endeavor and is taking the place of real love and happiness. Lovers passion has been exchanged for horizontal screen swipes on Tinder and emojis, all in the hopes of finding a hook up for a night. I don’t necessarily have a problem with casual sex or hooking up. It’s just that I think it’s a better fit for some than others. These days, I rarely see actual couples taking care of each other, spending time with one another – rather, I see people out for a good time. People: Valentine’s Day isn’t just a typical Saturday night. If you’re not in a qualified position to celebrate, then you shouldn’t take it upon yourself to go trolling about attempting to pick up those who are actually trying to find real romance. Valentine’s Day should be a holiday centered around spending time with your loved ones or your significant other, a lot like Christmas should be. However, I often find that these holidays are more about buying stuff you don’t need, overeating and complaining about what you don’t have. Valentine’s Day should be about more than seeing “Fifty Shades of Grey” – a film that perpetuates spousal abuse in the name of love. This holiday, to me, is hallowed. It’s a sacred rite of passage in the love life of young and old couples alike. It’s the one time where you can say the sappy stuff (that you secretly wanted to say anyway) to your partner to have them greet you with a blush, a swoon and expel a similarly sugary phrase without either party feeling disingenuous. As much as a gimmick as it seems, it’s appreciated across the board. So this Valentine’s Day, have fun, don’t drink and drive, spend the extra dollar for good chocolates, definitely don’t go see “Fifty Shades” and tell the people in your life how much you appreciate them.