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May 1, 2011 Change, College Life When Silence Speaks As the wise men once said, actions speak louder than words. In this case, however, silence spoke louder than speaking. On April 25, thousands of people remained silent for 25 hours to end the 25-year-old war going on in central east Africa. I had the amazing opportunity to be one of those people. The Invisible Children at Central Michigan University RSO led a silent march Monday afternoon around CMU’s campus. With duct tape over our mouths, we wore t-shirts representing the event and held up signs expressing the need for attention. As soon as the march was over, we loaded into a car and drove five hours to Indianapolis for the Invisible Children Break the Silence event at Earth House Collective. When the doors opened at 6:30, there was nothing to be heard. We were guided up an old red-carpeted staircase that led to a large room with a stage lit with candles and white holiday lights. We all signed a Break the Silence banner hung on the wall and then were directed to write letters to our congressmen. There were letterheads and pens scattered across a table in the corner of the room. Provided was a list of addresses for all United States’ congressmen. The room quickly began to fill with supporters and still, it remained completely silent. Powerful instrumental music radiated throughout the room and goose bumps continued to run through my body. It was one of the most moving moments of my life. As the last 25 minutes remained, a countdown appeared on the large screen over the stage, ticking as the time went by. Three…Two…One… The room burst with the loudest scream one could imagine; everyone erupted with joy. I could feel the excitement all the way down to my bones. After hearing the sweet words of Fionah, a young woman personally affected by the LRA, David Davison of Maps & Atlases took the stage with his guitar and unique folk voice. People clapped with the rhythm and stopped their feet on the wooden floor. Happiness echoed from wall to wall. As the event drew to an end, Andrea Ramsay, an Invisible Children roadie, announced the top ten donors of the protection fund; a strategy to help protect the innocent people affected by LRA violence. The top donor raised over $10,000. After many congratulations, music boomed over the speakers, and we danced our hearts out – an amazing end to an unforgettable night.