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October 11, 2010 College Life Young Americans choose online media According to the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project 2010, the popularity of the Internet has surpassed print editorial news in America. The young adults have certainly led this takeover – ages 18-29. Many of these young Americans are enrolled in an educational institution, and practice interactive news participation. Central Michigan University boasts three wireless networks, hundreds of computers stations, an online publication and training in computer operations and technology. >Not only has this technology conquered news in young America, but also in the UK, Canada, Denmark, and now, the Middle East. The cause for this transition is attributed to several new possibilities the Internet has provided. According to Pew research, more than 90 percent of Americans age 12-29 has access to an Internet connection. Of these connected Americans, 84 percent can connect with a wireless device—such as a laptop or cell phone. Citizens without computers of their own can now easily find access to the Internet from a friend, relative, work, school, and even public buildings—such as a library or recreation center. Almost 100 percent of all American libraries have Internet connections for both staff and public use. Print news is not as easily shared, and most publications are costly. Production, delivery, and recycling are all a part of the lengthy printing process. The flexibility of the Internet’s content has also helped to create freedoms impossible with print news. Rolling content is now a standard procedure for Internet news sources, as well as links to similar stories and sources. Along with endless reading, the Internet provides a news platform for mediums to combine efforts. The use of video, audio, and interactive content keeps the Internet’s information sharing power unrivaled. Through innovation of new medias, the World Wide Web’s newest craze is the social networking outlet. According to Pew research 86 percent of Americans age 18-29 are involved with social networking—such as facebook, or twitter. These social networks give opportunity for enhanced exposure, and limitless advertising. News in America can now be gathered from status updates, twitter feeds, and personal blog postings. For 79 percent of American’s, news works as a social currency. News is a conversation piece for friends, family, and colleagues. More than 68 percent think that keeping up with world events is a civic duty. Internet sources make gathering information easy. Many young Americans have established favorite sources—some more reliable than others. The larger of these sources are commonly linked to their television/radio news associate—BBC, CNN, Fox—the list goes on. Pew reports that nine in ten Americans receive their news from multiple platforms everyday. This can now be done from the homepage of most online news sources. In conjunction with their many mediums, these organizations can promote the use of all related functions on one simple webpage. The streaming of radio feeds, video coverage of events, and printed articles all add to the massive power of new media conglomerates. While network television news still remains a close second to the Internet’s power, the television platform is offering less, and costing more. Most young tech-savvy Americans understand the benefits of efficient searching, and free online subscriptions. The young often decide the future of new technologies, and in America the young have chosen to seek news online. The quest for trusted sources has become silenced by more accurate practices of publishing, and combined platforms on the Internet. Central students are no exception to the online media craze. Find out where your peers are getting their news by playing the attached video poll.