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October 7, 2016 Campus Fashion, Student Styles, Style, Style & Beauty, Women's Style CMU Fashion for a Cause: The Love Your Melon Brand Story by Grace Bolthouse Photo Courtesy of Love Your Melon Fall is upon us, and the brand Love Your Melon has been working hard, striving for their best line yet. Dedicated to giving a hat to every child facing cancer, Love Your Melon is an apparel brand for a cause. In addition, they look out for pediatric patients by donating to nonprofits who share the same goal. To spread the love and share their apparel with young adults, Love Your Melon has campus crews. Central Michigan University is a huge supporter and has the biggest crew the brand allows. The club is new to CMU, starting in the fall of 2015 and growing strong. Rep Your Melon Alyssa Hayward is a member of the CMU campus crew. She is a junior and a biomedical sciences major, with a dream of working in cancer research. As the president of Colleges Against Cancer, she explains that is how she got involved with Love Your Melon. Hayward says as a general member, it is your responsibility to get the word out about Love Your Melon. Campus crews did so well in promoting last year that the brand actually ran out of products. “You can buy a beanie anywhere, but these have a cause behind them,” Hayward said. Seeing the cause come to life, our campus crew, alongside nearby colleges, has made multiple visits to hospitals around Michigan, donating hats and meeting the faces of those they are volunteering for. Connections are made, and the volunteers are able to truly see the difference they are making. Fashion for a Cause Love Your Melon produces quality products, which are made in the United States. Campus crew members receive special beanies and unique merchandise, so they know firsthand what the products are like. Love Your Melon just released sixty new colors to their beanie line, including a maroon and gold beanie. But, the line does not end with beanies. Love Your Melon now carries baseball caps, scarves, sweatshirts and even water bottles. “They are comfy and their products are not complicated to wear. They go with just about anything,” Hayward said about the brand’s look. Love Your Melon is striving to become appealing and modern, adding the new label “LYM” in cursive on certain apparel, instead of the regular Love Your Melon label. If you are looking for a more high fashion look, they even sell hats in cashmere, tailored to their celebrity fans. Hayward said she prefers to wear her beanies with a casual outfit to class, calling it a “definite essential” to your Michigan fall wardrobe. And, the more colors, the better! These products give you another reason to purchase that perfect fall beanie in your favorite color, as you are standing with Love Your Melon and the children battling cancer. If you’re interested in volunteering with Love Your Melon, contact Taylor Hill at