Trends for summer

Every year fashionistas are graced with florals and pastels for spring. Though people try to pull away from this trend, it always seems to appear on campus. This is one exciting aspect of summer fashion — new styles to try out! You may be wondering what you should be wearing this summer to keep your style up-to-date.

Here are the top five trends to be on the lookout for:

5. Crop tops

This ’90s trend has made a huge comeback and will still be popular this summer. This look is great for going out with friends, summer concerts, or heading to the beach. With so many colors and styles everyone is sure to find one they like to show off their personal style.

4. High-waist

Another blast from the past, this ’50s trend is still going strong. High-waisted shorts and skirts will be worn at just about every event this summer. They look great with a simple shirt and bold jewelry or crop tops. From lounging around your house in high-waisted shorts or attending a family party in a high-waisted skirt, it is clear that this item will be a summer staple in many people’s wardrobe.

3. Lace

Lace anything will be big, and it’s no surprise why. This light and airy fabric is great for warm weather. It will be seen on everything from shirts, shorts, bags and even hair accessories.

2. Maxi

The best thing about maxi skirts and dresses is they are effortless. You slip one on and you look casual but still cute. These are great for everyday wear, including going to the park with your family or running around the office at your summer job. Since they are long, you don’t have to worry about showing too much skin.With so many patterns and colors available they are a very versatile look.

1. Denim

When people think of summer style their mind doesn’t often think of denim, but this summer it will. Denim shorts are always a summer staple in everyone’s closet, but this year they will be adding jean jackets and vests, as well. Jean jackets are a great way to keep warm during bonfires at night, and jean vests are a great way to add a twist to your signature look.
