BLOG: Sideshow freaks, and the 2012 presidential election

As pre-campaign ads start to surface for the 2012 race for the Oval Office, rumors are beginning. The traveling circus is packing up and preparing for its cross-country search for sideshows. Apparently, the more outrageous the headline and the more media attention snagged, the better. 

“Come see the Maverick soccer mom crack open a Bud with Joe the Plumber!”

And more recently, “Step right up to see the billionaire reality star act like he’s qualified to be president!”

In other words, let’s distract the public from the real issues and redirect attention to the sideshows. As the circus travels from the east coast through the heartland and to the Pacific, the most curious passengers have hopped aboard.

Barack Obama’s bid for 2012 re-election was a given but what about some of the other candidates? Rumored runners like Sarah Palin and (more surprisingly) Donald Trump leave many wondering; do people understand what a president does? The commander in chief has almost limitless responsibilities running from foreign and domestic policy to ceremonial figurehead and, most recently, a master compromiser in Congress.

So, Americans should be asking, “Can ‘The Donald’ be serious?”

After watching him on “The Apprentice” for so many seasons and his recent comedic roasting on Comedy Central, many have come to a negative conclusion on that question. It becomes difficult envisioning Trump trying to compromise with Congress without screaming, “You’re fired!” at any nay-sayers.

I consulted some of my fellow college students, and voters for their thoughts.
“I don’t think he could win,” New Baltimore senior Barry Osborne said, “people see him more as a celebrity than a politician.” 

Other politicians have drawn a similar conclusion; not because of his on-screen antics but because of his recent “Birther” standpoints. Why would a true potential candidate for presidency push off their campaign by promising the American people concrete proof of Barack Obama’s American birth? To many it sounds like Trump is leaning more toward conspiracy theorist than commander in chief.

Remembering Barack Obama’s massive mobilization of the youth for his victory in the 2008 presidential election, I highly doubt someone like Donald Trump could do the same.

“If Trump runs for and wins the presidency, I’ll be moving to Canada,” Imlay City freshman Sarah Hunt said.

Sorry Donald, your massive bank account might not be able to buy you the votes necessary to sit in the Oval Office.
