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April 19, 2021 Style & Beauty Preparing For Interview Season: CMU Edition Story and photos by Ella Weidner Models: Roshawn Morton and Chloe Tulgetske Now more than ever, appearance for interviewing is crucial for first impressions. Whether you can secure an in-person interview or are meeting your potential employer through WebEx, making sure your appearance is up to par is almost a deciding factor for most during the pandemic. Making sure your hair is brushed, your face is washed, and clothes are wrinkle free is important because it’s the first thing an employer notices now days through their camera. Depending on the type of position you are interviewing for, or the environment in which you are interviewing, attire can alter drastically. A lot of college students aren’t sure what is and what is not appropriate for an interview. Whether it’s deciding on color, silhouette, or accessories, it can all be a tricky decision. This article is meant to help guide you when putting together those interview outfits from head to toe. Men’s Casual & Put Together Not every interview requires full business attire. If you are preparing for a casual interview, consider layering a crewneck sweater with a button up shirt. Adding a subtle pop of color, like the blue pictured above, adds personality but remains professional. Keep the pants simple. You don’t need to wear dress pants but consider a neutral-colored slack, like pictured above. Make sure you iron your pants and button up, even though they aren’t the focal point of the interview. Showing that you care about your appearance and taking the time to iron out the wrinkles, shows your potential employer you aren’t lazy and always look professional. With most interviews, it’s better to refrain from wearing jewelry. Often, it distracts the employer which is the opposite of what you want. If you decide to wear jewelry, keep it simple. A small stud earring, a watch, or a simple necklace will do. This outfit keeps things casual, fun, and professional. Don’t be afraid to stray away from the original black dress shoe. Adding a tan leather shoe completes this more casual look and adds personality to the outfit. Depending on your color choice of sweater, the color may vary. Men’s Professional & Classic Some interviews require you to be dressed to the nines. Suit jacket, slacks, and sometimes a tie. If you are preparing for a professional interview, consider keeping the colors neutral; focus on grey, black, and white to show your potential employer you know how to dress for professional occasions. If you like adding some personality, place color in your socks. Consider wearing something like the blue striped socks pictured above. Make sure you iron your pants, button up, and even your undershirt. Being prepared and ironing out those wrinkles is key to appearing professional and put together for your potential employer. Considering wearing a plain white t-shirt underneath your button-up to avoid sweating through your dress shirt and cover the dead space where the collar may end. With most interviews, it’s better to refrain from wearing jewelry. However, it is always nice to pair a nice watch and belt with your professional suiting to add some flare and complete the outfit. If you don’t prefer a watch, add a belt to break up your pants and dress shirt, and avoid your shirt becoming untucked. A helpful tip is to match your accessory colors. If you chose a silver watch, consider wearing a belt that is silver as well to complement each other. This completed outfit keeps you looking professional and interview ready. Notice that the accessories all match the silver on the dress shoes; this keeps your look consistent and put together. Typically, with a professional interview it’s best to wear black dress shoes to avoid looking too relaxed. The black dress shoes continue the flow from the black dress pant. Always consider adding a nice tie and dress coat to complete the look! Women’s Casual & Put Together Ladies, not every interview requires full business attire. If you are preparing for a casual interview, consider layering a loose fit button up with a fun blazer. Adding a subtle pop of color like the raspberry blazer above, adds personality but keeps things professional. Depending on how fun your upper half is will determine the pants that you wear. Consider wearing a loose dress pant like the ones shown above. These pants are flowy and pleated, but keep things subtle because the color choice is a neutral tan. Always iron your clothing even if the interview is casual. It shows them you can be fun, yet not cross the line of keeping things professional. When considering accessories, keep it limited since your outfit is more casual. Adding a subtle belt is always appropriate and brings the outfit together. Shoes are always a crucial component of a woman’s interview outfit. The good part is, when attending a casual interview, you can wear patterned shoes. Consider a fun animal print like pictured above, but make sure the colors are neutral. This shoe choice shows her personality, but doesn’t cross the line of professionalism by wearing an exotic color. Women’s Professional & Classic Some interviews require you to be dressed to the nines. Suit jacket and slacks. If you are preparing for a professional interview, consider keeping the colors neutral; focus on grey, black, and white to show your potential employer you know how to dress for professional occasions. However, you can always wear a matching suit with a little flair like the one pictured above. You can never go wrong wearing plaid or pinstripe . Make sure your blouse is neutral if this is the route you go. Like mentioned previously, always iron no matter the professional occasion! However, like discussed above, you should always add a suit jacket to your outfit for a professional interview. This photo shows a stylish long blazer, but the better route would be to match the suit jacket to the pants for a complete ‘suit’ look. This helps you look consistent and put together. However, since the pants are plaid, she decided to go with a more neutral blazer to keep it subtle and not too pattern/color crazy. For professional interviews, you should always wear a belt and match your accessories, if any at all. This belt helps tie the outfit together and break up the top and bottom portions. This belt may be a little too detailed for a professional interview; consider wearing a plain colored belt, but this photo gives you the idea. Keep accessories minimal; if you need to wear any, keep it limited to a stud earring and single pendent necklace. Notice here that the belt and shoes match, they are consistent in color and added detail. If you decide to wear shoes/accessories with a little flavor, always make sure they match to avoid having too much going on; tt will be distracting to the employer. When considering a shoe choice, stick with a simple heel or boot that are always neutral in color; black, white, grey, or nude. Don’t walk into your interview wearing anything higher than three or four inches in height.