Team Kyle: Stay Strong bone marrow drive

Kyle Nicholson, a freshman at Central Michigan University, is forever grateful for all the support he’s received the past few months. In early February, he was diagnosed with Leukemia and soon after was admitted to the University of Michigan Hospital.

(Brooke Whitten | Photo Editor)


Friends and family members began fundraising to expand awareness about Leukemia, and earn money for him as soon as he was diagnosed.

The next event in honor of Nicholson is a bone marrow drive on Thursday, April 21 in the basement of Sweeney Hall.

A swab of the mouth is all it takes to determine if you can be a possible donor.

“The amount of support my family and friends give me is incredible,” Nicholson said. “I am so thankful for everything they’re doing.”

Rose Kodsy, Brian Piper and Sam Licari, Nicholson’s best friends, created the organization “Team Kyle: Stay Strong.” The objective is to raise money for Nicholson and his family. The three friends created orange t-shirts and wristbands to sell to the community.

“I love those shirts,” Nicholson said. “I think they’re so sweet. Plus, it’s my favorite color because it’s Leukemia’s awareness color.”

Right now, six out of 10 people with Leukemia find a match. Kodsy, Piper and Licari’s goal for the bone marrow drive is to increase that. They want CMU’s population to take the time and get tested and possibly save a life.

“I want people to learn more about this cancer,” Nicholson said. “Lives can be saved if they just take a simple test. People think they have to be poked and prodded, but it’s not like that anymore. Once they get swabbed they’re in the organization’s system until their 60s, and they increase the chances of kids, like me, finding a donor match.”

Nicholson’s mother is ranked eight out of 10 on the bone marrow test. But if a 10 out of 10 donor can be found, the doctors will use that donor instead.

“If worst comes to worst, the doctors will use my mother’s, but my wish is to find a 10 out of 10 donor match,” Nicholson said.

Those wishing to get swabbed should go to the basement of Sweeney Hall between 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Registration tests will be readily available.

One test is all it takes to determine if you can help someone in need.