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February 1, 2016 Community, Students Photo Story: Siblings Weekend 2016 Siblings weekend is a time for family, fun and familiar faces around Central Michigan University’s campus. This past weekend siblings gathered and participated in activities all around campus that were family friendly, and ultimately just flat out fun. Whether it was arts and crafts, rock climbing or dining together, siblings weekend at CMU was a success. Check out the photos below to view some fun family moments. Novi freshman Yeeling Li and her sister, Maylene Li, paint canvases during Siblings Weekend on Sunday, Jan. 31, 2016. (Photo | Alison Zwyicki) Westphalia sophomore, Abby Wirth helps her guest Sophie Schulte (age 16), on the tightrope in Finch Fieldhouse on the campus of Central Michigan University, Sunday, Jan. 31, 2016. (Photo | Alison Zwyicki) Drake Smarch from Royal Oak (Senior at CMU (left)) & Bryan Caragay from Plymouth MI (right) (19) pose for a portrait in between rock climbing at Sibling’s Weekend on the campus of Central Michigan University on January 31, 2016. (Photo | Hailey Polidori) Alexis (17) and Domenic (11) pose for a portrait at Sibling’s Weekend activities on the Campus of Central Michigan University on Sunday January 31, 2016. (Photo | Hailey Polidori) Marion senior Mary-Marae Baker gets help from her brother, Tipp Baker (age 14) on the tightrope in Finch Fieldhouse on the campus of Central Michigan University, Sunday, Jan. 31, 2016. (Photo | Alison Zwyicki) Macy (13) and Parker (10) pose for a portrait at Sibling’s Weekend activities on the Campus of Central Michigan University on Sunday January 31, 2016. (Photo | Hailey Polidori) Rockford sophomore, Arianna Barraza, and her younger sisters, Lexi and Jalea, paint together during an activity for Siblings Weekend, Sunday, Jan. 31, 2016. (Photo | Alison Zwyicki) Chaicee (18) and Natayla (9) pose for a portrait at Sibling’s Weekend activities on the Campus of Central Michigan University on Sunday January 31, 2016. (Photo | Hailey Polidori) Jalea Barraza, age 9, and her sisters paint canvases during Siblings Weekend on Sunday, Jan. 31, 2016. (Photo | Alison Zwyicki)