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February 22, 2014 Academics, Campus, College Life, Lifestyle, Students Recruiters at career fair reveal secrets to landing a job Representatives from 102 companies filled Finch Fieldhouse on Friday with hopes of finding their next intern or employee. The Alpha Kappa Psi Career Fair had jobs ranging from engineering to public relations. Over 1,000 people entered the gymnasium with resumes in-hand and their elevator pitches perfected. They met with corporate giants like Steelcase and retail chains like Family Video in the hopes of landing a job. “Personality is a big thing,” Family Video representative Michael Jones said. “There’s a difference between confidence and arrogance.” The Family Video representatives wanted to see people who could proudly display their accomplishments in a professional manner. Employers like to see that students are confident in what they have done but find being humble important as well. Jordan Ridenour, Central Michigan University campus liaison for Target, also looks for confidence in prospective employees as well as leadership qualities that are necessary to get the job done. “We look for candidates that display those leadership qualities and can take charge in a position,” she said. Employers know what they want in a candidate, which can make things intimidating to a college junior or senior entering the job market for the first time. Korey Keehbauch, who graduated in December 2012, is no stranger to this feeling. “Before, I used to be really nervous. Now that I have my degree I have more confidence,” Keehbauch said. The best advice for college students, as far as job fairs are concerned, is to go to career fairs early in one’s college career. By the time you are a senior and begin applying for permanent jobs, career fairs will no longer be intimidating. After graduating with a degree in Business Information Systems, Keehbauch has gained skills in communication. He said it has given him the confidence that is vital to landing a job. According to Career Services Director Julia Sherlock, planning for the next career fair begins right after the current one ends. She said Central Michigan career fairs often lead to a student getting hired for a job or internship. “CMU is at least two hours away from any major job market, so employers coming to campus to be part of this event is a success in and of itself,” Sherlock said. “It is very typical for students to get hired for internships and full-time employment opportunities.”