Shoe Shopping Made Simple

Shoe shopping can certainly be a pain... but not any longer! Jenna Bishop investigates, which makes shoe shopping a breeze.

Shopping for the perfect pair of shoes can be so stressful and aggravating.  It may always seems as if your size is never in stock, nothing quite catches your attention, or the color is just too plain-or way to colorful for your particular taste.  Shoes can be drastically pricey at times, as well.  Who wants to buy a pair of $1000 Louboutins from Barney’s that are only going to get worn a couple times? On the other hand, shoes that are cheap, from say Forever 21, tend to fall apart pretty easily.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could choose the style, and color of your shoes that fit your personality perfectly without having to spend fortunes?

This is where comes in handy.  Kim Kardashian, a television personality who gained her fame by association, founded Along with being the founder, Kim is also the chief stylist. is a website with a team of great stylist experts who choose beyond fabulous shoes for you every month, based on your personal style.  You are given four groups of four questions as part of the registration process, identified my shoe dazzle as the “fashion survey”.  The fashion survey consists of questions that ask you to choose, among a combination of pictures, what style you find most attractive, the pair of shoes you could imagine yourself wearing, what your favorite brand of clothing is and who your favorite celebrity is.

Basic questions such as how old you are, what you like to do in your free time, your favorite color and more are also key factors that influence what style of shoes the stylists will choose for you.  After the fashion survey has been completed, the stylists will pick five fashionable shoes for you-all based on your survey results. always gives you pointers on what great outfit will go with the shoe selected for you.  For instance, the “Domino” shoe, which is described as “a glossy black, caged heel number with a little edge”, would look great with a “bubble skirt, simple tank and plenty of gold accessories for a runway inspired, girls’ night outfit.”

Does seem to good to be true?  Well, it’s not, in fact, it only gets better.  Shipping is completely free, and each and every pair of shoe is only $39.99.  Lindsay Jerome, a junior majoring in Elementary Education, explains that the price is a good deal, and the fact that shipping and handling is free makes it an even
better deal.

With every shoe selected for you there is a story. For example, October’s “Stephanie” pump represents breast cancer awareness month with it’s stand-out bright pink shade which symbolizes “Power, Passion and Pride” according to the shoe dazzle website.  If you purchased the Stephanie pump, 10% of your purchase would go to Susan G. Komen for the Cure, which is a charity that works to “Save lives, empower people, ensure quality care for all and energize science to find the cure”.

For more on the Susan G. Komen for the Cure charity and to donate to the organization, click here.

If you would like to start your shoe shopping experience at Shoe Dazzle now, click here.

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