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April 12, 2016 Food & Wellness Five Yoga Poses to Start Your Day The last final weeks of the semester are here, and stressful as ever. But, before you brew your coffee and head out the door, notes and books in tow, start your day with some feel-good vibes and a refreshed mentality. Here are five yoga poses to start your day on the right foot, and ease the stress of finals. Child’s Pose or Balasana Start by kneeling on the ground, toes touching and knees about hip-width apart. Then, fold over, stretching your arms above your head. Hold this position for 5-10 deep breaths. Child’s pose or Balasana is a restorative pose that works to stretch the hips, thighs and ankles. Downward-facing Dog Starting from Child’s Pose, gently push your weight into your palms and the balls of your feet, forming your body in the shape of an upside-down V. Hold for about five deep breaths. To make downward-facing dog less of a static stretch, shift your hips back and forth or bend one knee at a time to target the calf muscles. Downward-facing dog is preparatory pose that works to stretch the hands, shoulders, hamstrings, calf muscles and arches of the foot. Mountain Pose or Tadasana To reach Mountain Pose from Downward-facing Dog, simply jump or float your feet up to your hands and stand up with your hips shoulder-width apart. If this is too difficult, simply collapse your Downward-facing Dog and stand up with your hips about shoulder-width apart. Now, stretch your arms into the air with palms facing and touching each other to form a peak. Hold this pose for about five deep breaths. Mountain Pose is a preparatory pose that works to strengthen the knees, thighs and ankles. Chair Pose or Utkatasana From Mountain Pose, make sure your legs are hip-width apart, then drop your hips sitting into your ankles and bring your arms straight forward. This position will look like you are seated in a chair. Hold for about five deep breaths. Chair Pose is a preparatory pose that works to strengthen the body as a whole, and will create heat within the thighs and core. Lotus Position After Chair Pose, come to a seated position on the floor or mat. Then, lift both of your feet so they are resting on your thighs. Your middle finger and thumb should be touching and wrists will also rest on the thighs with eyes closed. Hold this position for 10 deep breaths. Lotus Position is a seated pose that works to cool down and release stress and tension in the body.