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February 17, 2017 College Living, Student Lifestyle, Students Let’s Talk About Stalking: The Facts and the Safety Options Story & Infographic by Clarissa Kell Feature Photo via SAPA Facebook Page Sexual aggression is an umbrella term used by the organization to include stalking, intimate partner violence, harassment and sexual assault. Sexual Aggression Peer Advocates is a group on campus that is here to help by providing free and confidential services. Students might remember hearing about SAPA when they attended the mandatory “No Zebras” presentation during their first weekend at Central Michigan University their freshmen year. The month of January was stalking awareness month and during January, SAPA ran a number of programs around campus educating students about stalking. Most people view stalking as far fetched, but the thing is, it could very easily happen to anyone. Social Change Stalking is serious, yet it is constantly joked about or romanticized. A huge example would be the terms, “Facebook stalking” or “Instagram stalking”. These terms might seem harmless, but you have no idea what affect it could have on someone who has been or is going through a stalking situation. Talk, think, act. Be aware of what we’re seeing and how it influences our society’s view. Stalking is not a joke and it is not romantic. Anxiety, insomnia, social dysfunction, severe depression are all more prevalent in survivors of stalking. Stalking usually ends in violence if there is no intervention. Safety Options There are steps to take if you are being stalked or if you know someone who is. Give out no personal information. Posting about who you are with and where you are will make that situation no longer safe for the person being stalked. Contact the police to file a PPO (restraining order), however if the survivor does not want to, respect their wishes. Save all communication. This makes filing for a PPO easier because the case becomes more concrete with evidence of the stalking. Log incidents, date, time, description, location, witnesses and whether or not police were called. This helps with getting a PPO or proving that a PPO was violated. Safety Planning If you or know someone who is being stalked, make sure there is a safe place where you/they could go if needed. Having a support system is also very important because stalking disrupts the lives of the survivor. Increase home and work safety and technology safety. SAPA also has a safe room available. You can contact SAPA through their phone number 989-774-2255. (2417 crisis line)