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October 3, 2012 Arts & Entertainment, Music What’s your crispy fall playlist? Boots are on, scarves and jackets are perfectly bundled, and that delicious pumpkin spice latte is finally in for the long haul. It is official: fall is upon us. While walking through campus, nothing enhances those crisp orange trees like the perfect song to send warmth into the ears and down to the soul. Central Michigan students gave a variety of answers when asked what their “go-to” fall song or artist is. The result was a crock pot of sounds and feelings developed from the list of genres. There is a sort of nostalgia that comes with the cold air and the comfort of a warm, wool sweater that sends some people back to the golden days of The Four Tops or Billie Holiday. Who wouldn’t fall for the sounds of Motown or true jazz musicians of the past? In contrast, there was an overwhelming amount of people who went the alternative/rock route with mentions of the British band The Kooks, good old Jackson Browne, and specifically, (for obvious reasons), “Wake Me Up When September Ends” by Green Day. However, it comes as no surprise that a majority of college-aged individuals prefer the perfect combination of the banjo and lyrical genius of most indie/folk and acoustic artists. Nothing says fall more than the hypnotizing voice from Justin Vernon of Bon Iver, or the perfectly relentless banjo strumming of Mumford and Sons. Personally, I am biased to what is in my opinion the definition of autumn audio. For me, it is Frontier Ruckus. The only way to describe this band is by taking each perfect line from every great poem, any immaculate scene in nature, and a multifaceted love story set to the tune of the flawless banjo playing by the band’s own Davey Jones. (Yes, that’s his real name). When all is said and done, and every tune has been sung, fall is about comfort. It is the warmth of that old sweater filled with memories of last October. It is that feeling you get from the cold air smell, recalling the times you were trick-or-treating with an enduring childlike spirit. It is forever the season of folk, pumpkin spice, and everything nice.