How TO: Brand yourself to catch employers’ attention

Personal branding is a way for individuals seeking optimal career paths to market themselves as an asset to any company or organization. Defining who you are as a young professional and showcasing your brand to potential employers will give you a unique edge that caters to an industry’s needs.

Branding yourself is similar to branding a product line or business. In today’s competitive job market, you need to think of yourself as a brand. What makes you different from other individuals in your field? By clearly communicating what you offer, your personal brand will allow you to build your reputation, and reflect the image that you want professionals to remember you for.

Though there are many directions you can go when developing a personal brand, here are six tips to get started:

1) Define your personality

How you represent yourself in the professional world will make or break job prospects. After pondering how you want to be represented, pick a few adjectives that embody your character and work ethic. Presenting yourself as a passionate, young professional in your industry will allow you to make stronger connections with others in the field.

2) Create a theme and keep it consistent

It’s important to showcase who you are as a brand and this can be done subtly by creating a theme for your professional documents. Play with font styles and basic graphics. Once a theme has been chosen, put it on your business cards, resume, cover letters, portfolio and social media sites. Create a personal logo that recruiters will remember when they stumble upon your professional documents.

3) Pick a color that represents your identity

Choosing a color scheme will allow your professional documents to be color-coordinated and reflect psychological emotions tailored to your brand. Colors such as yellow or orange reflect clarity and confidence, while shades of blue and purple envision dependability and imagination. Paying attention to color emotion guides will help reflect your values. Check out one color guide here.

4) Get social

Launching accounts on social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and WordPress will allow you to start generating industry-related content that may spark a potential employer’s attention. Encourage creative discussion on topics related to your field.

Utilizing hashtags and linking to articles in social media will allow you to grow your reach, helping you connect to others in the industry. While networking, be sure to use social media appropriately and refrain from sharing content that goes against the personal brand you are trying to convey.

5) Be an advocate for professional development 

Though networking with experienced individuals is invaluable, also focus on branching out to those getting started in the industry. Kindness goes a long way and lending others a hand will build your reputation as being a dependable individual with strong communication skills. Share your passions with others and help them tackle their goals.

6) Manage your brand carefully

When communicating your professional identity, it is important to be responsible with every move you make. Display professionalism when making your mark in the industry. First impressions are important, so make sure you can communicate your skills and strengths, while also being honest. Keep in mind that creating a brand for yourself is about conquering your goals and furthering your career, not your social life.
