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January 14, 2013 Campus Fashion, Student Styles, Style, Trend and Beauty Pinterest: A Fashion Stylebook With the millions of users who have flocked to Pinterest, the social site has quickly become the most popular site of its kind. Users have the freedom to pin only to boards that interest them, filling their homepage with interesting and useful media. With this in mind, Pinterest has the potential to be a style guide for the fashion-conscious crowd. If you are a fashion enthusiast, or if you are simply seeking to improve your wardrobe, it is time to consider using Pinterest as your personal stylebook. With the many bouts of DIY boards and wardrobe tips and guides, Pinterest can be used as a guide to amplify or renew your closet in addition to becoming a cheaper alternative to buying expensive brands. Pinterest’s fashion styling abilities are multi-faceted, from top to bottom. Starting at the top, Pinterest serves up numerous boards of hair – photos and tutorials – that is. Pinning to “hair” will generate an eclectic screen of impressive braids, buns, curls and up-dos. Women can learn to make the most of their tresses and craft their hair into an intricate work of art. Achieving loose curls, for instance, can be as easy as using a curling iron or rollers. However, Pinterest proves that proper execution, and thus success, lies in knowing how to use them. One can learn how to sleep on rollers and wake up with flowing curls by pinning to “overnight curls.” Dressing up those curls, furthermore, can be as easy as finding pins that provide fun ways to do so. Tutorials on DIY headbands and hair accessories can be found when pinning to “DIY hair accessories.” Making your own accessories can add a unique element to your ensemble. With your newly-found inspiration from crafting hair and hair accessories, try pinning to boards that will help you make other accessories as well. “DIY jewelry” can help people find tips and tricks to customizing necklaces, earrings and bracelets, and can even help someone turn ribbon into a necklace and silver to neon in simple steps. Some boards will provide pictorial step-by-step instructions, while others will link to a website that will help guide endeavors. Tutorials can be as simple as four steps. Thus, do not be afraid to take old accessories and create something new. It will surely be worth the few bucks it might take to personalize retired jewelry, or make your own. Ishaarah Arnold’s “Will Be Doing it Myself” board features a few tutorials on hair accessories that are worth a re-pin. Men can also benefit from searching for accessories on Pinterest. Though instructions on custom-made men’s accessories are rare, men can use Pinterest to find sophisticated and fun ways to liven up their ensembles while pinning to “men’s accessories.” From wallets and watches to scarves and other colorful additions, it is just the beginning. More so than the hair and accessories department, the wardrobe assistance features of Pinterest cater a bit more to both men and women. The pins found while searching “men’s fashion” can help men find ways to add interesting elements to their closets or inspire a change in personal style, if desired. Searching “women’s fashion” can yield similar results. For both men and women, stepping out of your comfort zone may be easier as you view the different styles of other users, as well as celebrities and the brands they wear. For the male users in search of ways to save a little money, simple ways to dress up casual staples can also be found among the many boards on Pinterest. Pin to “Men’s shirts” if you wish to find inspiration to add a new sense of livelihood to those old shirts in your closet. Pay close attention to how shirts are worn in the photos and you can buy around the ones you have or add to them. Similarly, pinning to “women’s outfits” can provide suggested patterns, colors and accessories, as well as full outfits. This allows women to also find styles and designers they might like. Pinterest can also be a helpful medium for improving a great number of our belongings and the way we do things on a daily basis. Many tips for more efficient and creative means of applying nail art can be found under the “nail ideas” pin. One tip is using sharpie markers to paint on tiny details, while another is using a small sponge to blend colors across the nail surface. Furthermore, the pin also provides creative color combinations and designs. Put an end to bland nails and the repetition of overused designs. Nail art can become an added element to one’s personal style; being known for having impressive designs on your nails can only make for a positive reputation. Likewise is the reputation associated with impeccable eye makeup. Pinning to “eye makeup” can help users learn how to apply their eye makeup with skill. Pin to photos of the boldest of eyes, with liquid liner, and smoky eyes with pencil liner, and follow the links to tutorials with step-by-step photos and even videos. Savanna Tucker’s Hair and Beauty board is quite impressive. With 626 pins and 98 followers to date, it is definitely a board to follow for beauty ideas, from eye makeup and hair, to wardrobe and style ideas. If you haven’t started pinning, now is the time. Amplify your closet from top to bottom and your wardrobe from head to toe to fingernail. Pin to exactly what you want, and only what you want. Take advantage of Pinterest’s ability to find your new look for you, and allow yourself to become inspired by the millions of boards, pins and contributing users.