10 Times Drake Was So Us During Syllabus Week

Story by Tessa Harvey
Photo Courtesy of Pinterest (Source Unknown)

Love it or hate it, syllabus week is upon us, folks. Summer’s over, and it’s back to business.

You can sit in your bed before that 8 a.m. and cry for summer like Drake with his feelings, or you can go out and kick butt (we recommend the latter, but you can get in the feels for the next 10 bullet points).

  1. When you walk into the class and the prof says they’ll be taking attendance for grade points every day this semester.200 (2)
  2. When your class finishes going over the syllabus and your prof says “let’s start with chapter one on information systems.”200 (3)
  3. When the prof starts class by saying “I hope you printed your syllabus like I asked you to…” But you didn’t think to check your email before classes started. 200
  4. When the prof tells the class you have to read 50 pages from your textbook by next class (the textbook that you didn’t buy, because who spends $300 on a gen-ed textbook?)giphy
  5. When you look at your new syllabus and start to miss 100 level classes. drake lyric
  6. When your friend told you this was an easy course, but the syllabus changed and now it’s 10 million times harder. *Cries internally*200 (1)
  7. When you look at your syllabus and 75% of your grade is group projects. 200 (6)
  8. When the syllabus says “textbooks are mandatory.”200 (4)
  9. When the syllabus is 10 pages long and the prof says “this is going to be a great semester!”200 (5)
  10. When there’s 15 minutes before class ends, but you’re done with syllabus, so prof says you can go – sweet, sweet relief! 2-DRAKE

All GIFs courtesy of giphy.com and the creators who supply them. 
