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October 13, 2017 Campus Life, Events, Student Lifestyle CMU Students are Seeing Gold During the Medallion Hunt Story by Brittany Andrade The Medallion Hunt is one Homecoming event that Central Michigan University students get fired up for every year, since 2003. The Medallion Hunt has become a Homecoming tradition where students are given hints throughout Homecoming week in order to find the golden medallion hidden somewhere on campus. The Student Activities and Involvement Center leads the charge, announcing clues related to the year’s theme (this year it’s “Back to the Past, Ignite the Future”) every night of Homecoming Week until Thursday. From there, students use the clues to try and discover the location of the medallion, which could be in any public space on CMU’s campus, except for the Fabiano Botanical Gardens according to the Medallion Hunt official rules. “It’s [the Medallion Hunt] 10 times more confusing than I thought it was going to be,” CMU freshman McKenzie Deitsch said. “I’ve been having fun though. I’m meeting a bunch of people that I would’ve never hung out with otherwise, so that’s been pretty cool.” What do you get when you find the medallion aside from the memories and bragging rights? Points. Every year, different groups compete to win one of three trophies. The amount of points the group receives determines if they win or not. The registered student organizations compete to win the Golden Goblet, the Greeks go for the Greek Cup, and the residence halls battle for the Maroon Cup. Finding the medallion is worth 100 points. “This is one of the most important things you will do all year!” sophomore Shane Guenin said to his fellow Larzelere Hall residents during their Hall Council meeting. “During the rest of the year we’re going for 4.0s, but next week we’re finding the medallion at all costs!” Many students on campus take the Medallion Hunt very seriously. Garrett Zimmerman, a CMU junior, has looked for the medallion every year for the last three years. “It’s interesting starting out your freshman year with one group, and then when you move somewhere else, you do the hunt with a completely different group,” Zimmerman said. “It’s a great way to build community. It’s low risk, fun, and a great way to learn about campus.” Every night more clues are released until the medallion is found. To stay updated on the hunt and to take a look at the clues, you can visit the Medallion Hunt Facebook page here. [socialpoll id=”2465258″]