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April 10, 2014 Arts & Entertainment Earsnag: “Never Let Me Go” by Florence + The Machine Florence + The Machine will always be one of those vastly underrated alternative pop bands, despite a few radio hits (which weren’t even the group’s best). At least, that’s my prophecy. Which is why “Never Let Me Go” is this week’s choice. If you’ve never heard it but are into the indie, folkie-pop sound, you’re in for a treat. The track is tender and nostalgic — plus, you have to appreciate lead singer Florence Welch’s exquisite vocals and flaming hair. The lyrics are picturesque; this is poetry, guys. “Looking up from underneath fractured moonlight on the sea. Reflections still look the same to me as before I went under.” I’m picturing a lonely woman sitting on the beach at night, gazing out at the ocean. She dives into it, the moon’s reflection distorted under the water. Maybe I’m getting a little too into this. Don’t laugh. “And the arms of the ocean are carrying me. And all this devotion was rushing out of me, in the crushes of heaven for a sinner like me. But the arms of the ocean delivered me.” These are my favorite lines of the entire song. This is celestial, and as a spiritual person, I find the words gratifying. I’m imagining a sort of ocean-based baptism, washing away every wrong done by this lonely woman. I can relate — there’s something powerfully purifying about the ocean. Every time I visit it, I feel so infinitesimal. And in a way, it feels good. There’s something deeply humbling and appealing about the ocean. This woman is begging to never be let go, and I feel sad and happy for her at the same time. She found a release in a body of water. This makes me think about how we as college students find release, whether it be in the form of a jog at the gym or excessive alcohol on a Friday night. Are these forms of release healthy for our bodies? Are they rewarding? Do they enhance our emotional or spiritual well-being? It’s certainly something to reflect on this week. How do we cleanse ourselves? Check out Florence + The Machine’s album, Ceremonials, available on iTunes.