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October 3, 2013 Campus Fashion, Student Styles, Style, Style, Trend and Beauty Letter from the Style Editor: October’s funky weather will alter style choices Well, here we are. Six weeks into the semester and officially into fall. We’re almost at midterms, people. S***’s getting real. We’ve been lucky, though. September has been beautiful. I don’t know about you, but my summer wardrobe has had a very extended lifespan this year. I wore shorts today, actually. I welcomed in October in my favorite cuffed beauties. It was glorious. Our Indian summer might not last much longer, though, and that’s okay, because October is an awesome month. I’m serious. What’s not to like about October? It has the best holiday ever invented. You know what I’m talking about: Halloween. Aside from Christmas (which is only superior because you get gifts), Halloween is the best holiday. When else to do you get to dress up as someone else and spend the whole night pretending? Actually, don’t answer that. All seriousness, though, I do have a challenge for you, CMU. I challenge you to get creative with Halloween this year. Forget the animal ears and lingerie and put together something memorable. Show us a killer Poison Ivy costume or grab a group of friends and be Minions. Do something worth remembering. As far as fashion goes, I think as October progresses (builds up to Halloween, really) we’re going to see a few different things on campus. First of all, a reemergence of style. We all did a pretty good job of dressing up during the first few weeks of school, but as classes got harder and our stress levels increased, style took a backseat (myself included- if I could have worn yoga pants to work, I would have.) We will also see: Lots of layering October is a weird weather month. The mornings are cold, the afternoons are warm and rain is always a possibility. To deal with that, most of us will be sporting tights, sweaters and other layers. Boots This could be our last beautiful month before snow sets in, so take advantage of the weather and wear your boots before it’s too icy to do so. My favorite pair are my red cowboy boots, but I think the military style will carry over from last year and be popular again. Old man sweaters I could extoll the virtues of old man sweaters all day, but I’ll keep it short. Big. Comfy. Fashionable. What more do you need? Fall is fun. Take advantage of the weather while we still have it. In a perfect world, we would all be nudists, but unfortunately society expects us to wear clothes, so we might as well make the best of it and be fashionable. Cheers, Morgan