RSO Members Discuss the Return of CMU Photo Club

Story & Photo by Collin Salata

Photo club was once an RSO on campus, but died out when the creators graduated. Now, the club has returned thanks to some ambitious students.

Recreating Photo Club
Freshman Paul Aclibon, the main re-starter of the club, said he was looking for an active community of photographers, and was surprised when told there was no such community.

This gave Aclibon the idea to bring back photo club. His introduction to photography (ART 241) classmates, Madelyn-Grace Traub, Jackson Hallauer and Courtney Parkhill make up their general e-board along with their professor, Kris Sanford.

Who is it for?
Photo club is for anyone that is interested. Do not let the title “photo club” be intimidating and lead you to believe it is full of experienced photographers. All levels of experience are welcomed and owning a professional camera is not needed.

“Photo club is a community where it is safe to showcase your work, give critiques and keep on improving,” Aclibon said.

The club’s newness offers a lot of room for growth and creativity.

“We have this ground zero club where we can build it up. We can take people who want to do it as a hobby, but also be in a professional club,” Madelyn-Grace Traub said. “We want to mostly have fun, but get work done at the same time.”

Shot using colored lights. Photo credit: Logan Gilbert

Photo club’s main focus
One of Traub’s main focuses for photo club is selling their services and helping students be a part of student media publication groups. Thus, giving members the opportunity to connect with other communities on campus and building relationships.

“It is hands-on experience, which is awesome. We can take people who are experienced to help us out, plus with Kris who teaches this topic and is the advisor, it is really great to help people learn” Traub said.

Another e-board member, Jackson Hallauer said the club is planning on traveling and participating in competitions.

“We want to take field trips to Detroit, Grand Rapids, even Chicago once we get enough money. We want to work towards getting into art expeditions and joining art competitions. This will help us become bigger and better.”


CMU Photo Club meets in Wightman 152 every Wednesday at 7 p.m.
