Step Out Of Your Heels and Into Comfort

Story by Kate Moss
Photo by Jon Humphrey

Heels are one set of shoes that make you feel fabulous, but let’s throw it back and give it up for the casual sneaker.

We know, heels make any outfit at the bar pop, but if we’re being real, the best kicks are the ones you can wear for more than two hours.

The girls who wear gym shoes everywhere possible are the ones we want to meet. It’s a true confidence, the kind that says, “I may not be tall, but I don’t need to kill my ankles.”

Walking home, bar hopping, hanging with the girls– no heels can last that long without giving your foot a blister.

Looking good while being comfortable is a trend that is becoming popular with girls all over the nation, and I hope it continues here at Central Michigan University.

Real Street Style
Street style has always been popular, especially among college-aged women. (Hello! We can’t afford the runway). It’s time for us to take a step out of the norm of models we see on Instagram, angc-mag-1d start bringing the surprise of street wear chic.

It showcases confidence and sophistication. If men aren’t wearing heels to the bar, work or school, why are we?


CMU women, next time you go out, just try to wear something a little different. Maybe try joggers with a pair of vans and crop to finish. It’s still cute, you’re more comfy and definitely still beautiful.

Of course, still wear those heels when you’re feeling bomb, but let your feet rest every once in a while.

