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April 29, 2015 Drinks, Drinks Wine Wednesday: Wine ice cream You read that right. Yes, wine ice cream – it’s a thing. Mercer’s Wine Ice Cream is a Boonville, New York-based store that sells five percent alcohol-infused desserts for customers 21 years and older. Since 2006, the company has been mixing its dairy products with wine, creating an international sensation. Mercer’s currently offers eight flavors of ice cream: Peach White Zinfandel, Cherry Merlot, Strawberry Sparkling, Chocolate Cabernet, Red Raspberry Chardonnay, Port, Riesling and Spice. The company keeps its ingredients local buy purchasing them from New York businesses. At 210-310 calories per half-cup, be sure to indulge in this delectable dessert in moderation. Mercer’s distributes its wine ice cream to any location in the United States. Suddenly, living in Mount Pleasant doesn’t seem so bad, does it? Wine ice cream can be shipped by the pint, half-gallon, five-quart pail or three-gallon tub (because getting buzzed on ice cream is a good time). What’re you waiting for? Instead of buying a bottle of Champagne to celebrate the end of the semester, buy some wine ice cream instead. Your taste buds and stomach will thank you for it.